Sunday, January 21, 2007

Carkeek Hut Expedition

Carkeek Hut Expedition, 20- 21 January 2007. Chris Watson, Christian Thiemann, Tony Gates.

Our 24 hour rogaine to the legendary Carkeek Ridge Hut and back via McGregor Spur was split into three almost equal time sections- 8.15 to reach the hut, 8 hrs there, and 7.40 back. It was an excellent way to see the place, particularly as it was new country for Chris, and the first Tararua experience for Christian (from Hanover). We bagged a few huts, but retreated the way we had gone in due to inclement weather. Pity that, but somehow, the rich pickings of all the other high value huts around Carkeek Ridge lost their appeal in the mist and wind. And we felt much safer going home the way that we already knew.

We departed Holdsworth Lodge 2.05 pm Saturday, and scurried up to Atiwhakatu Hut, Jumbo Hut, then McGregor Biv. Good going, misty on top, with a mostly well worn foot trail. McGregor spur was mostly good travel, with open, mossy beech forest, and the occasional old track marker. Navigation essential. Really nice to hit the Waiohine River at Dorset Creek, where there was good river travel. We felt like we were going to make it to Carkeek Ridge Hut before dark. Park Forks was attractive- one of those really special Tararua places- and Carkeek Ridge was too, despite the track being overgrown. It got dark about an hour before the hut, and our pace slowed accordingly. Reflections on misty drizzle droplets partially obscured our head torch beams. Very glad to reach the hut. Primus used, but we didn’t eat much, and getting to sleep wasn’t difficult.

5.30 AM Sunday, I peered out the hut door into more Tararua clag. We brewed up, and discussed options, with the eastern side still the best route home. We could at least complete the Jumbo Holdsworth circuit. We had plenty of daylight, not quite plenty of energy, and by heading east, we had the promise of some finer weather. Back down to Park Forks, The Waiohine River, and Dorset Creek, we saw more of what must be one of the most scenic areas in the Tararuas. And for the second time in less than 24 hours, we were a bit fresher, so could admire it from a better state of mind. The big hill back to McGregor Biv was daunting, but we were soon back up in the mist. Periodic time checks suggested that our finish time would be close to 24 hours. We pushed our pace when we could, really appreciating the several easy sections of ridge, and soon gained some time over our earlier estimations. McGregor Biv again, Angle Knob, Jumbo, etcetera, and so back into fresh hutbagging territory. And we were back with the crowds, as expected, with a few people out training for next weekend’s popular Jumbo Holdsworth Trail Race. It was certainly a good feeling to reach the well trodden path. A few rest/ drink/ lollie stops, then more and more crowds around Powell Hut. The day warmed up a lot on the descent, which ended in a mad dash down past Mountain house. We guzzled lots of water. A hell ov a relief to hit the last flat before Holdsworth Lodge, and see the lodge shortly before our 24 hour deadline. The Atiwhakatu swimming hole was lovely. Then the rush to catch the train back to Wellington was about as fast as the rush for our Rogaine deadline.

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